Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Liveblogging Super Tuesday

It's a frosty February evening, and we're gathered here for the first great sporting event of 2008 - Super Tuesday, live from the USA.

So far... Mike Huckabee's won in West Virginia, much to the relief of fundie Walker: Texas Ranger fans everywhere. Elsewhere, Obama looks like taking Georgia in his never-ending battle for a stalemate with Hillary.

Cyman: Don't forget Ron Paul's policy that we're all descended from a guy who fucked his own rib.
warrenellis: Why are people still talking about Ron Paul?
Cyman: Haha. Point.

Walnuts? Wonkette reminds us of key points of John McCain's campaign.

What was that thing about a "good day to bury bad news"?

Matt Frei has just compared the "poetry of Obama to the hard prose of Clinton" on News 24. I think he just called her a Cylon...

ABC News is projecting an Obama win in Illinois, to the surprise of no-one with eyes, with McCain taking New Jersey and Conneticut. (Source, 01:04)

Results - Clinton projected to win Oklahoma for the Dems, McCain for Illinois, Romney for Massachusetts.

Whitechapel is providing the goodness. (01:25)
Orwellseyes: [WGN] reporting that the storms in arkansas knocked out power to Huckabee headquarters. God is apparently not happy.

Officially renaming this post "Liveblogging Whitechapel's Super Tuesday Thread. (02:45)
tikistitch McCain is starting to look kind of inevitable. Interesting that this doesn't come 'til he's 8,467 years old. I wonder if he'll be our first president who's a head in a jar.

FyreBryhte: Better than his head in an ass. I mean his ass. Oh never mind. It was funnier in my mind.

Cyman: McCain would be the oldest president ever; but his mother is still kicking at 95, and he seems fine healthwise. I can't see why his age would be an issue for 4 years. His insanity, though... another story.

What does he do with all that rage? I imagine that the lasting image 90% of people have of Howard Dean is of his infamous scream speech in 04, so when I see him talking all monotone and unshouty I can't help wondering if he has to kick a kitten on his way home. (02:56)

Genuinely Terrifying Thought, courtesy of a Romney supporter who told the BBC's correspondent in Boston that if Mittens didn't get the GOP nod, she'd have to vote for Hillary. Ringing endorsement, that. (03:09)

Genuinely Terrifying Thought #2 - Mike Huckabee needs three microphones? (03:10)

Political speechwriters aren't WGA-affiliated, are they? Huckabee's at the microphone, and he was doing so well up until he mentioned the Second Amendment and...didn't really have a point to go with it. He's ended up quoting what I assume are college football chants. Which is why you should stick to the autocue. (03:15)

Genuinely Terrifying Thought #3 He may have been sticking to the autocue. (03:16)

Sweet creeping Jesus - if Romney wasn't in trouble before, he bloody well is now. His son's incredibly confused expression during the whole values/large military/RONALD REAGAN/America will become a second-tier power meander was surpassed only by that of his wife. Mittens! Mittens! Mittens!

Also noting that clearly "private sector" is a crowd buzzword up in Boston tonight, "wonderful military" not so much. (03:40)

Sam Seaborne? - Barry's got some awesome speechwriters hidden somewhere.

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