Sunday, 29 April 2007

Weekend Roundup: leading exports - odour, fire engines

Cherry Blossom
Cherry blossoms in the Meadows.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Edinburgh University: failing to trouble despotic slumber

Seemingly Edinburgh University's decision to review the honourary degree it awarded to Zimbabwean presidespot Robert Mugabe hasn't triggered a rethink from Harare.

Mr Mugabe, 83, will not "lose sleep" over the threats, said George Charamba, his spokesman.
"It is not like the president suffers a crisis of achievement. He has seven solid degrees, which are more than enough to earn him a living and recognition."

I'm not so sure. I mean, I'd certainly start reconsidering all that land 'reclamation' and electoral fraud if it meant losing the letters after my name. Particularly the ones that spell "tyrant".

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Headlines: rights? You ain't got no rights...

Headlines: not an approved babysitting technique

Dead by Dawn 07

I had made a New Year's resolution not to write about any festivals that may be happening in Edinburgh, but y'know, 19 horror movies in 4 days is kinda hard to resist. They even schedule a breakfast break in the Saturday/Sunday marathon...

Monday, 23 April 2007

Weekend Headlines: Obviously we couldn't have polluted the Forth during the week

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Headlines: file under "hopelessly optimistic"

Today's headlines: special political theme edition

The only thing worse than bagpipes...

...are bagpipes played at full blast in tartan-clad tourist traps, a view I seemingly share with anonymous Old Town residents.

If I hear Highland Cathedral one more time I think I'll scream," she said.
The owners of the gift shops today defended the practice, saying it was an important part of promoting their wares and denied the music was too loud.


Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Another day, another festival

It's Tuesday which means, of course, that it's about time to start preparing yourself for another Edinburgh festival. This time, it's wine.

The Edinburgh International Wine Festival launches next month. It aims to build on the Scottish capital's long-standing position as one of Europe's leading importers of fine French wine.

Hotel owner James Thomson, one of the founders of the festival, which is sponsored by broadsheet Scotland on Sunday, said he hoped it would give rise to an annual two-day event incorporating wine workshops and tastings.
